
More than half a century of quality and high standards of workmanship.

BM2 INDUSTRI A/S can look back​ on more than 55 years of manufacturing operations that represent the long and varied history of BM2 INDUSTRI A/S. Considering the development so far experienced by the firm, the future will in all probability be equally active.

When, in 1955, the firm was founded as a local machine shop named Bøvling Maskinværksted, focus was on the development and production of agricultural and industrial machinery. In addition, the machine shop also carried out much repair work.

Bøvling Maskinværksted followed the general development and mechanisation trends and, in the course of the following decades, the firm carried out considerable production – and service – work, targeted at the agricultural and industrial markets.

The firm's machine-processing of large objects was set off by the manufacturing of proofing plants – vacuum as pressureoperated. Owing to stricter environmental requirements and a market reaching saturation point, the last proofing plant was delivered in 2003.

This production had required a vertical boring and turning machine; and, subsequently, this lead to an intake of orders from markets outside the conventional customer base.

As of the mid-80's, the expansion of large machinery at our plant took off in earnest; and, today, BM2 INDUSTRI A/S is an order-producing provider of large components to e.g. the wind-turbine industry, offshore enterprises and manufacturers of cement-producing facilities.

In 1995, the firm was converted into a partnership; and a generational change in 2003 brought about the establishment as a limited company.

The manufacturing became increasingly specialised; and as, by 2005, the development of its business activities had outdistanced those of the conventional engineering shop, Bøvling Maskinværksted changed its name into BM2 INDUSTRI A/S.​​

For more than 30 years ago Bøvling Maskinværksted began to produce machines for impregnating wood. In order to be able to get the machine for impregnating out of the plant we had to close off the main street in Bøvlingbjerg. 

The photo is from 1988

The company´s founder Knud Verner Christiansen in 1985 next to one of the company´s products.

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